Upcoming Events

25 Feb

Sheila Hopkins and Kara Bignell-Bird 

7:30 pm
Sheila Hopkin’s poetry has been well received at the Yeovil Literary Festival.  Her poems cover a wide range of subjects, many inspired by her life experiences.  She has published several collections – Life on Location, Dancing to Your Tune and Flowers in a Jar.
Kara Bignell-Bird hosts ‘Words with Wine’ poetry readings at ‘Eight’ in Silver Street, Yeovil.
25 Mar

Somerset and Dorset Poets

7:30 pm

Trevor Pearce takes us on a poetic journey through the words of some of the poets who have lived, or are living, in the Counties of Somerset or Dorset.

There is a wealth of great poetry here – and this will also be one of our popular ‘audio – visual’ meetings.