James Crowden – Literary Somerset


7:30 pm

Writer and poet James Crowden explores the literary highways and byways of Somerset, including the watering holes of Bath and Bristol. He has produced an intellectual roadmap of Somerset from Roman times through Anglo-Saxon Wessex up to the present day including many writers. early chroniclers and opium addicted Romantic poets. Somerset has also produced philosophers, pirates and playwrights, eccentric clergymen, diarists and herbalists, novelists and historians, travellers chefs and scientists – From St Gildas and John Locke to John Cleese, Fay Weldon and Terry Pratchett.

An illustrated talk by author James Crowden, who is always informative and entertaining.   And of course East Coker’s strong literary links will no doubt feature.

The venue is The Village Cafe,  East Coker.   BA22 9HY         (almost opposite the School)

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